Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > 3-D Face |
Set up a three-viewport workspace.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > 3 Viewports |
Set up a four-viewport workspace.
Toolbar | Menu |
View > Viewport Layout > 4 Viewports |
Displays Rhino version and license information.
Toolbar | Menu |
Help About Rhinoceros |
Edit AutoCAD export schemes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add temporary infinite guide / construction line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add the next control point in the u direction to the selection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Add Next U |
Add the next control point in the v direction to the selection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Add Next V |
Converts regions of connected coplanar welded faces into Ngons.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add the previous control point in the u direction to the selection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Add Previous U |
Add the previous control point in the v direction to the selection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Add Previous V |
Add an object to a selected group.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Groups > Add To Group |
Open the Alerter options page.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Options Alerter |
Lines up bounding boxes of objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Align |
Forces mesh vertices to the same location.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Align Mesh Vertices |
Line up one curve to another.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report the angle between two picked or defined lines.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Angle |
Add a box texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Wrap a curve onto a surface.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Curve Curve from Objects > Apply UV Curves |
ApplyCurves |
Add a custom texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add a cylindrical texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Fit a mesh that matches a source mesh onto a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Apply to Surface |
Wrap meshes and points onto a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Apply Mesh UVN |
Add a planar texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add a spherical texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add a surface texture mapping channel to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create an arc blend curve between two curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Blend Curves > Arc Blend |
Draw an arc with options for center, start, angle, and direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Arc > <Options> |
Report and marks an object's area centroid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Area Centroid |
Report an object's area moments of inertia.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Area Moments |
Report an object's area.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Area |
Copy and space objects in columns, rows, and levels.
Copy and space objects along a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Array > Along Curve |
Copy and space objects along a curve on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Array > Along Curve on Surface |
Copy and space holes in rows and columns.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Array Hole |
Copy and space holes around a central location.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Array Hole Polar |
Copy and space objects in a single direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Array > Linear |
Copy and space objects around a central location.
Copy and space objects in rows and columns on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Array > Along Surface |
Create or remove an arrowhead on a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Assign texture names to objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add GHS (General HydroStatics) information to objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Attach GHS Data |
Checks a Rhino 3dm file which is not currently opened for errors and lists the contents.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > Audit 3DM File |
Checks the current Rhino model for errors.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > Audit |
Save the current model to a backup file.
Manage a background image in a viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Background Bitmap > <Options> |
Combine an object's textures and decals into a single bitmap file and assign that bitmap as object's texture.
Toolbar | Menu |
Deform objects along an arc.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Bend |
Connect two curves maintaining continuity.
Toolbar | Menu |
Connect two curves with continuity control.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Blend Curves > Adjustable Curve Blend |
Create a surface between polysurface edges maintaining continuity.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Fillet Edge > Blend Edge |
Create a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Blend Surface |
Define a block object.
Allow selecting a block instance to change the block geometry and update the block definition.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Blocks > Edit Block in Place |
Manage the block definitions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Blocks > Block Manager |
Cycle through possible Boolean operations between two objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Boolean Two Objects |
Subtract the volume of one set of objects from another.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Difference |
Create a new solid from solids' intersected volumes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Intersection |
Split and close solids at intersections.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Boolean Split |
Combine the volumes of one or more objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Union |
Extrude closed planar curves normal to the curve plane toward a boundary surface where the boundary surface is trimmed and joined to the extruded objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Boss |
Shoot a ray at a collection of surfaces to create a polyline path.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Polyline Bounce Ray |
The BoundingBox command creates a box that encloses selected objects or sub-objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Bounding Box |
Draw a solid box.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Box > <Options> |
Size, scale, position, and rotate objects numerically.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels BoxEdit |
BoxEdit |
Bring curves forward in draw order.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Arrange > Bring Forward |
Bring curves to the front in draw order.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Arrange > Bring to Front |
Bring a viewport to the front.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a control cage object used by the CageEdit command to deform other objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Cage Editing > Create Cage |
Deform objects smoothly using control cage objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Cage Editing > Cage Edit |
Toggle the on-screen RPN (reverse Polish notation) calculator.
Toolbar | Menu | Panels |
Tools RPN Calculator |
RPN Calculator |
Toggle the on-screen calculator.
Toolbar | Menu | Panels |
Tools Calculator |
Calculator |
Show, hide, or toggle the visibility of the viewport camera.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
View Set Camera > Show Camera |
F6 |
Cancel the current command and deselects objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Fills planar holes in objects with planar faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Cap Planar Holes |
Creates a curve that a hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends.
Toolbar | Menu |
Catenary > <Options> |
Draw a cross or a cross and center lines at the center point of a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Chamfer Curves |
Create a ruled surface at polysurface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Fillet Edge > Chamfer Edge |
Create a ruled surface between two surface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Chamfer Surfaces |
Change the degree of the polynomial that defines the curve or surface by adding or subtracting control points between knot spans, while maintaining the knot structure.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Change Degree |
Change an object's layer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > Change Object Layer |
Move or copy objects between layout and detail viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change an object's layer to the current layer.
Toolbar | Menu | Panels |
Edit Layers > Change Object to Current Layer |
Layer Right-click layer name > Change Object Layer |
Check in a license to the Zoo license manager.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools License Manager > Check In License |
Report errors in an object's data structure as it is created or imported.
Toolbar | Menu |
Check out a license from the Zoo license manager.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools License Manager > Check Out License |
Report errors in an object's data structure.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > Check |
Draw a circle from center and radius, diameter, points on the circumference, and circumference length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Circle > <Options> |
Delete render and analysis meshes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove all per-view, per-object display mode overrides.
Toolbar | Menu |
Return curve draw order to the default.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Arrange > Clear Draw Order |
Clear the undo buffer to free memory.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a plane that hides objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Clipping plane |
Close open curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Close Curve |
Close the render display window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a point object on an object at the nearest location to a base location or to another object.
Close the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Close Viewport |
Move mesh edge vertices to a single vertex.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > Edge |
Move all mesh face vertices to a single vertex.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > Face |
Move all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face area.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > By Area |
Move all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face aspect ratio.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > By Aspect Ratio |
Move all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face edge length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > By Edge Length |
Move a mesh vertex to an adjacent mesh vertex.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > Vertex |
Open the docking context Command Help window.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Help Command Help Panels Help |
Help |
Open the Command History window.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Tools Commands > Command History |
F2 |
Open the Command List window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Manage the display of the command prompt window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Display the Command List Help topic.
Toolbar | Menu |
Help Command List |
Evaluate texture coordinates and set vertex colors.
Toolbar | Menu |
Creates a surface cone.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Cone |
Draw a conic section curve with options for the start, end, apex, and rho value.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Conic |
Extend and trim curves to meet at their endpoints.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Connect Curves |
Extends or trims two surfaces to where they intersect.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Connect Surfaces |
Open the Content Filter dialog box.
Toolbar | Menu |
Continue to draw the selected curve using control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Continue Control Point Curve |
Continue to draw the selected curve interpolating through picked points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Continue Interpolated Curve |
Create a spaced series of planar curves and points through objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Contour |
Change a curve to polyline or arc segments.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Convert <Options> |
Toolbar | Menu |
Convert extrusion objects to surfaces and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change the structure of a NURBS object to a Bézier object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Match all viewports' grid and snap settings to the specified viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Match all viewports' construction planes to the specified viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Copy a detail viewport to a model viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Duplicate objects.
Copy a hole in a planar surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Copy Hole |
Copy the active layout to a new layout.
Toolbar | Menu |
Copy a linked block with Reference style layers.
Toolbar | Menu |
Copy the image in the render window to the Clipboard.
Toolbar | Menu |
Copy objects to the Clipboard.
Copy objects to a layer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > Copy Objects to Layer |
Copy or move a model viewport to a detail viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the construction plane in the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set CPlane |
Control whether surface creation commands divide creased surfaces into polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Replace a non-manifold polysurface with all solid manifold regions defined by the surfaces of the input.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a closed polysurface from surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Create Solid |
Project a surface boundary and trim curves onto the world xy plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Create UV Curves |
Create a curve by averaging two input curves that are planar in two different views.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From 2 Views |
Report the maximum and minimum distances between two curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Curve > Deviation |
Place a point object at the end of a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Mark Curve End |
Change the seam (start/end) location on closed curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Adjust Closed Curve Seam |
Place a point object at the start of a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Mark Curve Start |
Create cross-section curves through profile curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Cross-Section Profiles |
Toggle the display of control points that are behind the surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Delete zero-area mesh faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Cull Degenerate Mesh Faces |
Evaluate surface curvature using false-color analysis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Surface > Curvature Analysis |
Turn off curvature analysis display.
Toolbar | Menu |
Evaluate the curvature of a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Curvature Circle |
Evaluate curve or surface curvature with a graph.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Analyze Curve > Curvature Graph On |
COn |
Turn off curvature graph display.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Analyze Curve > Curvature Graph Off |
COff |
Trim, split, and join curves based on their overlapping regions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Curve Boolean |
Draw a curve from control point locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Control Points |
Create a curve from polyline vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Fit To Polyline Curve Polyline > Fit Through Points |
Fit a curve through point objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Fit to Points |
Fit curves through surface control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Delete objects and place them in the Clipboard.
Create planar surfaces through objects at specified locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Plane > Cutting Plane |
Report the volume of the intersection of a solid and a box.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a polysurface cylinder.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Cylinder |
Checks to see whether numbers with decimal points are being correctly printed and read.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove mesh faces from a mesh creating a hole.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Delete Mesh Faces |
Converts Ngons on a mesh into triangle or quad faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Removes objects or sub-objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Delete |
Delete or Backspace |
Remove a portion of a curve that is between two locations.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Delete Subcurve |
Break |
Manage layout detail viewports.
Creates a single developable surface between two rails.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report the diameter of a curve at a specified point.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diameter |
Turn the digitizing arm sound on and off.
Toolbar | Menu |
Validate digitizer measurements against a model.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Calibrate |
Set the view based on the probe position and direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Pick a location with a digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
F12 |
Disconnect the digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3-D Digitizer > Disconnect |
Connect and initialize a digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Connect |
Draw a line normal to a surface with a digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer Normal Line |
Suspend/pause input from the digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Pause |
Set a scale factor for digitized points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Set Scale |
Create planar cross sections with a digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Planar Section Curve |
Sketch a curve with a digitizing arm.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools 3‑D Digitizer > Sketch Curve |
Draw a linear dimension lined up with two points.
Dimension the angle between two lines.
Dimension the area of a closed curve, surface, mesh, or hatch.
Toolbar | Menu |
Dimension Area Dimension |
Dimension the angle between two planes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Dimension Crease Angle Dimension |
Dimension the length of a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Dimension Curve Length Dimension |
Dimension the diameter of a curve.
Draw horizontal or vertical linear dimensions.
Dimension the x or y distance from a base location.
Dimension the radius of an arc or circle.
Return dimension text to its default location.
Draw a linear dimension that is rotated from the xy axis.
Display and edit an object's normal direction.
Insert a light with parallel rays pointing in a specified direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Create Directional Light |
Turn off the selected clipping plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Manage persistent object snaps.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Object Snap > Disable Object Snaps |
Re-display the command prompt.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open the Display panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Display |
Display |
Report the distance between two picked locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Distance |
Spread objects out evenly between the end objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Divide a surface into separate parts at kinks.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Divide Surface on Creases |
Create point objects along a curve by the number of equal length segments or segments of a specified length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Divide Curve by > Number of Segments Length of Segments |
Manage the settings for the current model.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Properties |
Open the Document Properties dialog box at the specified page.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens the Document User Text panel that lets you manage the document text.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Document User Text |
Document User Text |
Move the camera location and change the lens length at the same time.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Adjust Lens Length and Dolly |
Report the domain of a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw an annotation dot that stays parallel to and sizes with the view.
Downloads required bitmap files for textures.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn off draft angle analysis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Close the dialog box. |
Visually evaluate surface draft-angle using false-color analysis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Surface > Draft Angle Analysis |
Place a point object on a surface the surface's draft angle break location.
Toolbar | Menu |
Specify the plane object dragging will be parallel to.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Change Drag Mode |
Sets the amount of object drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the drag movement.
Toolbar | Menu | Gumball widget menu |
Drag Strength |
Create a surface through the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Drape |
Create a grid of points at the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Drape Points |
Create a curve or polyline that copies a surface, polysurface, or mesh border.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Duplicate Border |
Create a curve that copies a surface edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Duplicate Edge |
Create a curve that copies a polysurface face border.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Duplicate Face Border |
Duplicate (copy) a layer including all layer attributes and geometry.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > Duplicate Layer |
Creates a polyline that duplicates the edge of a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Duplicate Mesh Edge |
Create a polyline that duplicates the boundary of a mesh hole.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > Hole Boundary |
Add information about the model's position for GIS mapping applications.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn on echoing of script commands to the command history window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a surface from two, three, or four curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Edge Curves |
Add lights based on highlight locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Edit Light by Highlight |
Set a spotlight direction using view manipulation tools.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Edit Light by Looking |
Displays points on the curve evaluated at knot averages.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Show Edit Points |
Edit a Python script.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Python Script > Edit |
Open a text editor utility for editing RhinoScript files.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Rhino Script > Edit |
Draw a closed elliptical curve from focus points, center and edges, bounding rectangle, and around a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Ellipse > <Options> |
Draw a solid ellipsoid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Ellipsoid > <Options> |
Turn off environment map display.
Toolbar | Menu |
Close the dialog box. |
Visually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Surface > Environment Map |
Turn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Adjust the shape of a curve at its end or a surface near an untrimmed edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Surface > Adjust End Bulge Edit Adjust End Bulge |
Simulate the Enter key to complete a command string in a script.
Toolbar | Menu |
Simulate the Enter key in a script.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens the Environments panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Environment Editor Panels Environments |
Environments |
Report the world and construction plane coordinates of a picked location.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Point |
Report the u and v coordinates of a specified location on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Surface > UV Coordinates of a Point |
Close Rhino.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Exit |
Explode a block including any nested blocks into component objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Blocks Explode Block |
Break objects down into components.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Drawing
Edit Explode |
Create files from bitmaps in the model.
Toolbar | Menu |
Save selected objects to a new file.
Save objects to a new file with a specified origin and construction plane.
Lengthen a curve on a surface to the surface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Extend Curve > Curve on Surface |
Lengthen a curve by its natural extension to a boundary or point.
Toolbar | Menu |
Lengthen a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Extend Curve > <Options> |
Lengthen a surface by a value.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Extend Surface |
Duplicate an object's analysis mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Separate surfaces with errors from a polysurface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > Extract Bad Surfaces |
Separate mesh faces connected to a face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Tools > Extract > Connected |
Fit a polyline through curve control points or a mesh through surface control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh From NURBS Control Polygon |
Duplicate a curve's curvature graph.
Toolbar | Menu |
Separate duplicated faces from a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > Duplicate |
Duplicate surface isoparametric curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Extract Isocurve |
Separate faces from the parent mesh determined by a draft angle or weld status.
Toolbar | Menu |
Separate faces from a mesh by area.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > By Area |
Separate faces from a mesh by aspect ratio.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > By Aspect Ratio |
Separate faces from a mesh by a draft angle or weld status.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > By Draft Angle |
Separate faces from a mesh by edge length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > By Edge Length |
Separate faces from a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > Faces |
Separate faces from a mesh that are bounded by unwelded edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Extract > Part |
Separate non-manifold faces from a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Duplicate a curve's piping mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Duplicate curve control or edit points, surface control points, and mesh vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Extract Points |
Duplicate the render mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Separates or duplicates polysurface or Extrusion faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
SubD Sidebar
Solid Extract Surface |
Separate or duplicate polycurve segments.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Extract Curve |
Duplicate the uv mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Duplicate surface or polysurface edge and isoparametric curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Extract Wireframe |
Drive closed planar curves along a path curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Planar Curve > Along Curve Surface Extrude Curve > Along Curve |
Drive closed planar curves in a straight line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Planar Curve > Straight Surface Extrude Curve > Straight |
Drive closed planar curves in a straight line tapering at an angle.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Planar Curve > Tapered Surface Extrude Curve > Tapered |
Drive closed planar curves tapering to a point.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Planar Curve > To Point Surface Extrude Curve > To Point |
Drive surface edges along a path curve to create a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Surface> Extrude Surface to Boundary> Along Curve |
Drive surface edges in a straight line to create a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Extrude Solid
Solid Extrude Surface> Extrude Surface to Boundary> Straight |
Drive surface edges in a straight line tapering at an angle to create a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Surface> Extrude Surface to Boundary> Tapered |
Drive surface edges tapering to a point to create a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Extrude Surface> Extrude Surface to Boundary> To Point |
Remove large curvature variations in a curve while limiting the geometry changes to the specified tolerance.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Fair |
Add an arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Fillet Curves |
Round polyline corners with arcs.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Fillet Corners |
Create a tangent surface between polysurface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Fillet Edge > Fillet Edge |
Create a constant-radius round surface between two surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Fillet Surfaces |
Fill a hole in a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Fill Hole |
Fill all holes in a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Fill All Holes |
Search for specified text.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Extrude a curve on a surface in the surface normal direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Extrude Curve > Normal to Surface |
Make a non-rational NURBS curve of a specified degree that matches the input curve to within the specified tolerance.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Refit to Tolerance |
Reduce the number of surface control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Refit to Tolerance |
Drag points on a curve to change its shape without changing the curve's length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Shade objects without smoothing between mesh faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Flat Shade |
Project surface edges onto the construction plane to create planar curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Reverse the normal direction of a curve, surface, or mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Re-align objects from a source surface to a target surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Flow along Surface |
Re-align objects from a base curve to a target curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Flow along Curve |
Rotate polysurface faces around an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Faces > Fold Face |
Hide menus, status bar, toolbars, command prompt, and windows title bar and maximize the Rhino window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report the geometric continuity between two curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Curve > Geometric Continuity |
Retrieve text information attached to a file with the SetDocumentUserText command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tests a bugtrack issue id number to determine if code that was committed to fix the issue is in the actively running Rhino.
Toolbar | Menu |
Retrieve text information attached to an object using the SetUserText command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the gradient background for a viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Manages Grasshopper plug-in (*.gha) loading behavior and locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens the folders where Grasshopper stores files of settings, user objects, clusters or components.
Toolbar | Menu |
Downloads the Grasshopper SDK help document (.CHM) from the Internet.
Toolbar | Menu |
Selects a Grasshopper plug-in file (*.gha) that will be ignored by Grasshopper.
Toolbar | Menu |
Prompts to load Grasshopper plug-ins one by one and then launch Grasshopper.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens the Grasshopper plug-in window.
Shows the plug-ins used in the currently loaded Grasshopper file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set grid properties.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
F7 |
Open the GroundPlane panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Panels Ground Plane Panels Ground Plane |
Ground Plane |
Organize objects into a single component.
Reset the gumball widget alignment.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar | Gumball widget menu |
World |
<Options> |
Align to CPlane Align to Object Align to World |
Reset the gumball widget alignment.
Toolbar |
Menu |
Status bar |
AutoReset Gumball |
Display the gumball widget on a selected object facilitating move, scale, and rotate transformations around the gumball origin.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Changes the Gumball widget location and orientation of on an object.
Toolbar | Menu | Gumball widget menu |
Relocate Gumball |
Resets the Gumball widget on an object to the default location and orientation.
Toolbar | Menu | Gumball widget menu |
Reset Gumball |
Set the size of the scale handles either relative to the model or to a fixed size.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw chained Bézier curves with editing handles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Handle Curve |
Set a starting point for existing hatches.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a pattern of lines to fill bounding curves.
Scale hatch patterns in model and layout space.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit a curve or surface with Bézier curve editing handles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Handlebar Editor |
Create a surface based on gray-scale color values in an image file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Heightfield from Image |
Draw a helical curve with options for number of turns, pitch, vertical, reverse, and around a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Helix |
Open the Help topic for the current command.
Conceal objects from view.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Geometry Fix
Edit Visibility > Hide |
Conceal objects in a detail view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Conceal layers in a detail view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Conceal control and edit points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Hide Points |
Hide the render mesh displayed with the ShowRenderMesh command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Conceal all visible objects and re-displays all previously hidden objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Visibility > Swap Hidden and Visible |
Remove history from an object and its children.
Toolbar | Menu |
Store the connection between a command's input geometry and the result, so that when the input geometry changes, the result updates accordingly.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Redefine selected objects when parents are changed.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Update Children |
Report hydrostatic values for surfaces and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Hydrostatics |
Draw a hyperbolic curve from focus points, vertices, or coefficient.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Hyperbola > <Options> |
Manage URL addresses attached to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Hyperlink > <Options> |
Examine specific entities in an IGES file by limiting which portions of the IGES folder are parsed.
Toolbar | Menu |
Import a print layout viewport from another file.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
File > Import From File > Layouts From 3dm File View Layout > Import |
![]() |
Merges objects from another model file.
Save sequentially-numbered versions of a model.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Incremental Save |
Intersect any plane with objects to return curves or points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Add control points to a curve or a row of control points to a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Insert Control Point |
Add edit points to a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Insert Edit Point |
Insert block objects stored in the file or import a file as a block definition.
Add kinks to a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Insert Kink |
Add knots to curves or surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Insert Knot |
Flatten the curve segment between picked points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Fit a curve through picked locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Interpolate Points |
Fit a curve through locations on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Interpolate on Surface |
Create point objects or curves at the intersections of curves and surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Intersection |
Find the intersection of one set of objects with another set of objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve From Objects > Intersection of Two Sets |
Deselect all selected objects and select all previously unselected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Invert |
Deselect all selected control or edit points and select all previously unselected control or edit points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Invert |
Hide all but the currently selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Lock all but the currently selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change the current viewport properties to a parallel projection isometric view looking from a specified quadrant toward 0.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set View > Isometric > <Options> |
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Join |
Join two naked edges that are out of tolerance.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface and Analyze Edge Tools > Join 2 Naked Edges |
Select objects by drawing a freehand shape.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects Area and Volume Select Lasso Control Points > Select Control Points > Lasso |
Save and restore the current layer state.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Edit Layers > Layer State Manager... Panels Layer State Manager |
Layer States |
Toggle Layer panel.
Create a print layout viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View and Layout Title Layout > New Layout |
Manage layout viewport properties.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw an annotation leader with attached text.
Report the length of curves or surface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Length |
Open the Libraries panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Panels Libraries Panels Libraries |
Libraries |
Open the Lights panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Panels Lights Panels Lights |
Lights |
Limit the amount of reference geometry that is available to work on.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Worksession > Limit |
Insert a tubular light.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Create Linear Light |
Draw a single line segment.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Line > <Options> |
Draw multiple adjoining line segments.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Line > Line Segments |
Fit a line through any combination of points, control points, and point-cloud objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Configures how linetypes display in viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report information about object's data structure.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > List |
Load a RhinoScript.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools menu Rhino Script > Load |
Lock objects so they cannot be selected for editing.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Visibility > Lock |
Lock all unlocked objects and unlock all previously locked objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Visibility > Swap Lock and Unlocked |
Fit a surface through profile curves that define the surface shape.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Loft |
Log you into Rhino using your Rhino account.
Toolbar | Menu |
Log you out and returns any licenses borrowed from a Rhino account.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open an edit window for script creation and testing.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Tools Commands > Macro Editor Panels Macro Editor |
Macro Editor |
Deform objects in a spiral.
Toolbar | Menu |
Project geometry to the construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Dimension Make 2‑D Drawing |
Project a closed curve to a surface to define a hole.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Make Hole |
Insert a kink at the start/end of a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove the kink from the start/end of a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Make Periodic |
Make the object knot vectors uniform without changing the control point locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Make the surface knots uniform in u or v direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn off texture mapping widgets.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn on texture mapping widgets.
Toolbar | Menu |
Place point objects at focus locations of conic curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Mark Foci |
The MatchAnnotation command changes an annotation's properties to match another annotation.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change a curve end to meet another curve or surface edge with a specified continuity.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Match |
Change a curve's direction to match another curve's direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Match Direction |
Change an object's layer to match another object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > Match Object Layer |
Change an object's texture mapping properties to match another object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move naked mesh face edges to meet adjacent face edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Match Mesh Edge |
Change an object's properties to match another object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Adjust a surface edge to have continuity with another surface edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Match |
Open or close the Materials panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Material Editor Panels Materials |
Materials |
Maximize the Rhino application window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Maximize the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Merge two triangular mesh faces into one quadrangular face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Merge Two Triangles
Merge all possible edges of a surface or polysurface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Analyze Edge Tools > Merge All Edges |
Combine all co-planar polysurface faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Faces > Merge All Faces |
Combine adjacent edges of the same surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Analyze Edge Tools > Merge Edge |
Combine co-planar polysurface faces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Faces > Merge Face |
Combine two surfaces at untrimmed edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Merge |
Subtract the volume of one set of objects from another resulting in a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Boolean > Difference |
Create a new mesh from the intersected volumes of objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Boolean > Intersection |
Split and close objects at intersections.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Boolean > Boolean Split |
Combine the volumes of objects into a single mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Boolean > Union |
Draw a mesh box.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Box |
Creates a mesh cone.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Cone |
Create a mesh from a NURBS surface or polysurface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh From NURBS Object |
Draw a mesh cylinder.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Cylinder |
Draw a mesh ellipsoid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Ellipsoid |
Create a mesh from intersecting lines.
Toolbar | Menu |
Creates a mesh from point objects or point clouds.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a polyline at the intersection of mesh objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Intersection of Meshes |
Create a polyline outline of mesh objects or surface render mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Mesh Outline |
Create a mesh from curves and points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a rectangular mesh plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Plane |
Create a mesh from a closed polyline.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh From Closed Polyline |
Open the Mesh Repair wizard.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Mesh Repair |
Mesh Repair |
Draw a mesh sphere.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Sphere |
Divide meshes into parts with another object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Mesh Split |
Duplicate each mesh face with a NURBS surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a mesh torus.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Torus |
Delete portions of a mesh inside or outside intersections with another object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Mesh Trim |
Draw a mesh truncated cone.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Polygon Mesh Primitives > Truncated Cone |
Minimize the Rhino application window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a mirror-image copy of objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Mirror |
Create a mirror image copy of one or more holes in a single planar surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Mirror Hole |
Set a world origin that is used when inserting the model into another.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change the radius of existing arcs and circles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move a polycurve/polyline segment.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Move Curve Segment |
Move a polysurface edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Edges > Move Edge |
Allows moving an isocurve extracted with the ExtractIsocurve command on the surface it was extracted from.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move a polysurface face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Faces > Move Face Move Face to Boundary |
Move a hole in a planar surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Move Hole |
Move objects from one location to another.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Transform Move |
m |
Move the target to the center of selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Move Target to Objects |
Move the edge of an untrimmed polysurface face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move an untrimmed polysurface face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move curve or surface control points along the u, v, and normal directions of the object.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Transform Move UVN Panels MoveUVN |
Move UVN |
Set up a relationship between a construction plane and an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set CPlane > Mobile Construction Plane |
Pause a script for the duration of multiple selections, for example in Join, Polyline, and FilletEdge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Manage the named construction planes list.
Toolbar | Menu |
Panel Gear Menu |
File Import from File > Named CPlanes from 3DM file View Set CPlane > Named CPlanes Viewport title Set CPlane > Named CPlanes Panels Named CPlanes |
Named CPlanes |
Toggle the Named Position panel to the location of objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Named Positions |
Named Positions |
Manage the named views.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
File Import from File > Named Views from 3DM file View Set View > Named Views Viewport title Set View > Named Views Panels Named Views |
Named Views |
Fit a surface through a network of crossing curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Curve Network |
Create a new model based on a template.
Create a new free-floating viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > Float Viewport |
Create a new viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > New Viewport |
Activate the next viewport with an orthogonal projection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Activate the next viewport with a perspective projection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select the control point in the positive u direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Next U |
Activate the next viewport.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Ctrl + Tab
Display the next viewport in front of all other viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select the control point in the positive v direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Next V |
Turn off echoing of script commands to the command history window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a non-manifold polysurface from intersecting surfaces and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open a text notes window.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
File / Panels Notes |
Notes |
The Notifications command opens the Notification panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Notifications |
Notifications |
Copy a curve parallel to the original.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Offset Curve |
Copy a curve on a surface parallel to the original.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Offset > Offset Curve on Surface |
Copies a mesh so that all vertices on the copied mesh are moved a specified distance from the original mesh vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Offset Mesh |
Copy curves or surface edges parallel to the original.
Toolbar | Menu |
Copy a curve on a surface parallel to the original in the surface normal direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Offset > Offset Normal to Surface |
Copy a surface parallel to the original.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Offset Surface Offset Surface |
Turn off an object's layer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > One Layer Off |
Turn a layer on and all other layers off.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > One Layer On |
Sets the active construction plane according to the current view direction to accommodate single-window modeling.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens an existing model file.
Save Options settings to a file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Export Options |
Restore Options settings from a file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Import Options |
Manage global options.
Open the Options dialog box at a specified page.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform objects using three reference and three target points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > 3 Points |
Align the view to a surface normal.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Orient Camera to Surface |
Copy and align a curve to a surface edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > Curve to Edge |
Transform objects along a curve normal.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > On Curve |
Transform objects normal to a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > On Surface |
Transform objects using two reference and two target points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > 2 Points |
Set the angle for cursor ortho movement.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Set Ortho Angle |
Restrict cursor movement to an angle.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias | Status bar |
Shift + F8 |
O |
Ortho |
Set object snaps state.
Spread the texture over all of the faces of a polysurface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Shift the location of the view camera and target parallel to the view plane.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
View Pan Pan, Zoom, and Rotate > Pan View |
Shift + |
Draw a parabolic curve through three picked points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a parabolic curve from focus and vertex or endpoint.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Parabola > <Options> |
Draw a parabolic surface or capped solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Paraboloid > <Options> |
Insert objects from the Clipboard.
Fit a surface through curves and point objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Patch |
Fill a mesh hole with a single mesh face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Patch Single Face |
Stop a script for user input.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the viewport field-of-view angle.
Toolbar | Menu |
Allow matching the view to the Wallpaper image.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Match Wallpaper Image |
Draw a rectangular planar surface with a bitmap texture.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Plane > Picture |
Create a surface, polysurface, or extrusion object with a circular profile around a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Pipe |
Project a closed curve to a surface to define a hole.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Place Hole |
Limit picking locations to an elevation.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias | Status bar |
P |
Create a planar mesh from closed curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a planar surface from planar curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Planar Curves |
Draw a rectangular planar surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Plane > <Options> |
Fit a rectangular planar surface through points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Plane > Through Points |
Set the viewport to a parallel plan view.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set View > Plan |
Play back an animation or animation preview.
Toolbar | Menu |
Manages plug-in options.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a series of planar curves by intersecting spaced planes with a point cloud.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve from Objects> Contour Through Points |
Create a set of vertices from point objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Cloud > <Options> |
Create a planar curve by intersecting a plane with points or pointcloud objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve from Objects> Section Through Points |
Report the distance between points and a surface.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Analyze Surface > Point Set Deviation Panels PointDeviation |
Point Deviation |
Draw a single point object.
Draw a rectangular grid of point objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
The PointLight command inserts an omni-directional light.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Create Point Light |
Draw multiple point objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Point Object > Multiple Points |
Create point objects at specified surface u and v coordinates.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Surface > Point from UV Coordinates |
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
Edit Control Points > Control Points Off |
F11 |
POff |
Display curve and surface control points.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
Edit Control Points > Control Points On |
F10 |
POn |
Report the number of mesh polygons in a selected object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a polygon with a specified number of sides with options for inscribed/circumscribed, by edge, star-shaped, around a curve, and vertical.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Polygon > <Options> |
Draw a multi-segment polyline with options for line and arc segments, tracking line helpers, and close.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Polyline > <Options> |
Draw a multi-segment polyline on a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Polyline > On Mesh |
Display a menu with favorites and most-recently-used commands.
Toolbar | Menu |
Display a menu with the most-used commands.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open the specified toolbar at the cursor.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select the control point in the negative u direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Previous U |
Activate the previous viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select the control point in the negative v direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Previous V |
Display objects using their Print Color and Print Width properties.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Print Preview |
Print the current viewport or layouts.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
File Layout title |
Project object snaps to the construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Object Snap > Project to Plane |
Project curves/points toward a construction plane to intersect a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Project |
Flatten objects onto the construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Project to CPlane |
Open the Properties panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu | Shortcut |
Edit / Panels Object Properties |
Properties |
F3 |
Open the Properties dialog box at a specified page.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn off control and edit points for selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Pull curves/points in the surface normal direction to intersect a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Pullback |
Delete unused block definitions, groups, layers, hatch patterns, linetypes, annotation styles, and materials.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools File Utilities > Purge Unused Information |
Delete worksession reference objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Send a named viewport behind all viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a pyramid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Pyramid |
Merge mesh triangles into quadrangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report the radius of a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Radius |
Revolve a profile curve around an axis and along a rail curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Rail Revolve |
Read and execute a command script from a text file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Commands > Read from File |
Import all IGES entities.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the viewport layout to match that of another model.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout Read From File |
Interactively modify selected curves by non-uniformly re-spacing the control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Restore surface edges to their surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface and Analyze Edge Tools > Rebuild Edges |
Remove mesh normals and reconstruct the face and vertex normals.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Rebuild Mesh Normals |
Strip texture coordinates, vertex colors, surface curvatures, and surface parameters from a mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Rebuild mesh |
Reconstruct curves, surfaces, and extrusion objects to a specified degree and control point number.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Rebuild |
Reconstructs selected surfaces to degree 3, with a specified control point number, in either the u or v direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render and save animation frames.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a rectangular closed polyline from with options for starting at the center, three points, vertical, and rounded with arc or conic corners.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Rectangle > <Options> |
Insert a rectangular directional light.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Create Rectangular Light |
Reverse the Undo command multiple times.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Redo Multiple |
Reverse the last Undo.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Redo |
Reverse the last UndoView.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
View Redo View Change |
End |
Reduce the number of mesh polygons and triangulates quadrangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Collapse > Reduce Vertex Count |
Re-read the texture from their files and refresh the display.
Toolbar | Menu |
Regenerate an object's render mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Refresh Shade |
Remove objects from a control cage.
Toolbar | Menu |
Reorient objects to a different construction plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Orient > Remap to CPlane |
Specify whether Copy option on transform commands is stored.
Toolbar | Menu |
Removes very small single naked edges that fold or loop back on themselves and have no matching edge to which they can be joined.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove control points from a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Remove Control Point |
Detach objects from their parent group.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Groups > Remove From Group |
Remove temporary infinite guide / construction line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Delete specified knots from a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Remove Knot |
Remove mapping channels from an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove multiple knots from curves and surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set everything to white - materials, skylighting, ground plane and renders the current viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Assign a material to a layer from the command-line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render a selected area of the current viewport in the render window at the resolution specified in the Rendering panel.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open the Render panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Rendering |
Rendering |
Render a selected area in the render window at viewport resolution.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open last rendering in render window.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Open Last Rendering |
Open an image with the .rimage format.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render a selected area in the render window with a rough quality for a fast preview.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render the view in the render window with a with a rough quality for a fast preview.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Render Preview |
Render a selected area in the viewport with a rough quality for a fast preview.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render the objects using the current renderer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Render |
Open the missing image files report.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render a selected area in the viewport at viewport resolution.
Toolbar | Menu |
Recalculate an object's parameter space to match its 3-D geometry.
Toolbar | Menu |
Repeat any command or script/macro.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Repeat Command Script |
Replace block instances with a different block definition.
Toolbar | Menu |
Untrim selected surface edges and retrim the edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Edge Tools > Replace Edge |
Recovers geometry objects that can be read from a damaged Rhino 3dm file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools File Utilities > Rescue .3DM File |
Searches for block definition geometry that is not referenced by any block definition and recovers the block definitions to the file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Clears the "Do not show this dialog/message again" check boxes in all dialogs.
Toolbar | Menu |
Restore the application window from being maximized.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw revision cloud curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Dimension Revision Cloud |
Discard changes and revert to the previously saved document.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Revert |
Create a surface by revolving a profile curve around an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Revolve |
Create holes by revolving a profile curve around an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Revolved Hole |
Offset a curve and create a ruled surface between the curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Extrude Curve > Ribbon |
Extrude a curve in two directions to a boundary surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Rib |
Rotate objects around a 3-D axis.
Rotate the view target around the camera.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Rotate Camera |
Rotate a hole around an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Rotate Hole |
Rotate objects around an axis perpendicular to the construction plane.
Rotate the view camera around the target.
Create circular holes in surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Round Hole |
Insert Rich Photorealistic Content (RPC) objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the animation frame number for an RPC at the command line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Run a Python script.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Python Script > Run |
Run another application from inside Rhino.
Toolbar | Menu |
Run a RhinoScript.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools menu Rhino Script > Run |
Save the current model with a different name, close the current model, and open the new model.
Save the current model as a template file.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Save As Template |
Save the image in the render window to a file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Save the current model.
Save geometry objects without render or analysis meshes.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Save Small |
Change the size of objects in one direction.
Change the size of objects uniformly in two directions.
Change the size of objects in two directions non-uniformly.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change the size of objects uniformly in the x, y, and z directions.
Change the size of objects non-uniformly in three directions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Scale > Non-Uniform Scale |
Change the spacing between objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Save an image of a viewport to the Clipboard including viewport edges, cursor image, and viewport menu.
Toolbar | Menu |
Save an image of the viewport as a bitmap file including viewport edges, cursor image, and viewport menu.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a planar curve or points from the intersection of a cutting plane through objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Section |
Select all objects.
Select all objects that do not pass Check.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Diagnostics > Select Bad Objects |
Select all block instances by name.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > By Block Name |
Select all block instances.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Block Instances |
Select objects within an existing closed curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Boundary |
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a box-shaped volume.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Box |
Drag the mouse like a brush stroke to select objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Brush |
Drag mouse like a brush stroke to select points and control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Brush |
Select captive objects of a specified cage controls.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select curve or surface edges that touch end-to-end.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Chain |
Select children of specified parents.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > History > Children |
Draw a circle to select objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Circular |
Select all clipping planes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Clipping Plane |
Select all closed curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all closed mesh objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all closed polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all closed surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all Rhino SubD objects in the model that do not have a boundary and are not locked or hidden.
Toolbar | Menu |
Selects all objects of a specified display color or material diffuse color depending on the display mode of the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > By Color |
Select mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are connected to a selected face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select adjacent control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Connected |
Select a range of control points on a curve or surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all cage controls.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select with a crossing window.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
C |
Select all curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Curves |
Select all Detail view rectangles in a Layout viewport.
Toolbar |
Menu |
Select all dimensions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Dimensions |
Select all annotation dots.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all visible geometrically identical objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select geometrically identical objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Duplicate Objects |
Restrict a selection mode to specified object types.
Select objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select Extrusion objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Extrusions |
Select a using a crossing sketched polyline.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select a group by name.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > By Group Name |
Select hatch objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Hatches |
Select objects by object ID number.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects by their user attribute key.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects by their user attribute key and value.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select the last changed objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Last Created Objects |
Select objects by layer number.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all objects on a layer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > By Layer |
Select all leaders.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Leaders |
Select all lights.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Lights |
Select all lines.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Lines |
Select objects with the specified linetype.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all texture mapping widgets.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects with the same render material name.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are within a specified range of area.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are greater than the specified aspect ratio limit.
Toolbar | Menu |
Separate mesh faces from the parent mesh object based on the angle of the faces to the view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select mesh faces from the parent mesh object that have an edge length greater or less than a specified value.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all mesh faces radiating out from the selected face to naked or unwelded edges in the parent mesh object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all mesh objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Polygon Meshes |
Select unwelded vertices on mesh edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all Named View widget objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects by name.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > By Object Name |
Deselect all objects.
Select non-manifold objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects that have history.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > History > Objects with History |
Select all open curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all open mesh objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all open polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all open surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all Rhino SubD objects in the model that have a boundary and are not locked or hidden.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select parents of specified children.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > History > Parents |
Select all objects created with the Picture command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all planar curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all planar surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all polylines.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Polylines |
Select all polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
Edit Select Objects > Polysurfaces |
SelPolysurface |
Re-select the previous selection set.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Previous Selection |
Select all point cloud objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all point objects, control points, edit points, and solid points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Points |
Select objects by their render color.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all curves shorter than a specified length.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all objects smaller than a specified size.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Small Objects |
Select all surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Surfaces |
Select all Rhino SubD objects in the model that are not locked or hidden.
Select all text.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Text |
Select all trimmed surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all untrimmed surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select all connected control points in the u direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Select U |
Select connected control points in the u and v directions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Select UV |
Select all surfaces or meshes that are in front of other objects with a crossing selection.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Visible Surfaces and Meshes |
Select objects enclosed by an extrusion object, surface, polysurface, or mesh.
Toolbar | Menu |
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a pipe-shaped volume.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Pipe |
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a spherical volume.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Select Objects > Area and Volume Select > Sphere |
Select all connected control points in v direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Select Control Points > Select V |
Select with an enclosing window.
Toolbar | Menu | Alias |
W |
Send curves backward in draw order.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Arrange > Send Backward |
Send curves to back of draw order.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Arrange > Send to Back |
Activate a named viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Active Viewport |
Specify the current annotation style.
Specify a rendering plug-in.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Current Render |
Specify a viewport display mode.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcuts |
G Ghosted R Rendered S Shaded W Wireframe X XRay |
Attach text information to the file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Animate the camera and target movement along a path curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Name a group.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Groups > Set Group Name |
Control the correspondence between Rhino layers and IGES levels.
Toolbar | Menu |
Specify a linetype for a specified layer.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set the current layer to match a specified object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Layers > Set Current Layer to Object |
Specify the global linetype scale from the command line.
Toolbar | Menu |
Specify a curve's linetype.
Toolbar | Menu |
Maximize a named viewport inside the application window.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
F1 Top F2 Front F3 Right F4 Perspective |
Assign separate display attributes to objects, overriding viewport settings.
Toolbar | Menu |
Assign a name to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Animate sun movement through a specified calendar day.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn ortho mode on, off, or toggle the current state.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Ortho On/Off |
Animate the camera and target movement along separate path curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn Planar mode on, off, or toggle the current state.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Planar Mode On/Off |
Move objects to a specified location in the x, y, and/or z directions.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Set XYZ Coordinates |
Disable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.
Toolbar | Menu |
Enable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.
Toolbar | Menu |
Animate sun movement through a specified week, month, or year.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn grid snap on, off, or toggle the current state.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Grid Snap On/Off |
Match spotlight direction to the viewport camera direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Set Spotlight to View |
Set the tangent direction of an untrimmed surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Set Edge Tangent Direction |
Animate camera rotation once around the current target point.
Toolbar | Menu |
Attach text information to an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change the view to a standard construction plane view.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set View <Options> |
Pick a point in a perspective viewport to set the in-focus distance in rendering when Focal Blur is enabled.
Toolbar | Menu |
Match the view to a spotlight direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Set View to Spotlight |
Specify the default folder for saving and opening files.
Toolbar | Menu |
Set distance between objects and viewport edges for Zoom Extents.
Toolbar | Menu |
Shade selected objects only.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Shade Selected Objects Only |
Temporarily shade the current viewport.
Skew objects parallel to one axis at an angle.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Shear |
Remove the selected surfaces from a polysurface, and then offset the remaining surfaces to create a solid with a specified thickness.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create the shortest possible curve (geodesic) between two points on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Open the Direction Analysis control and turn on direction analysis for curves, surfaces, and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Close the Direction Analysis control, and turn off direction analysis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Highlight edges of surfaces and polysurfaces. Displays the Edge Analysis control.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface and Analyze Edge Tools > Show Edges |
Turn off edge display.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Edge Tools > Show Edges |
Open the End Analysis control, and display the endpoints of curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Close the End Analysis control, and turn off endpoints of curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Redisplay hidden objects in a detail view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Redisplay hidden layers in a detail view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Turn the Osnap control on.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Object Snap > Persistent Osnap Dialog |
Redisplay all hidden control points and edit points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Show Points |
Redisplay all hidden objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Geometry Fix
Edit Visibility > Show |
Display the render mesh for selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Redisplay selected hidden objects in a detail view.
Toolbar | Menu |
Redisplay selected hidden objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Visibility > Show Selected |
Open a specified toolbar.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a grayscale z-buffer bitmap with the same dimensions as the viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
Contract the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Shrink Trimmed Surface |
Contract the underlying untrimmed surface as close as possible to the trimming boundaries.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create outline curves from a surface or polysurface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve From Objects > Silhouette |
Replace each curve segment that has the geometry of a line or an arc with a true line or arc.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Simplify Lines and Arcs |
Drag the mouse to draw a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Free-Form > Sketch Sketch on Surface Sketch on Polygon Mesh |
Offset a polyline, and extrude and cap the result to create a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Slab |
Turn on a system of temporary reference lines and points.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Tools Object Snaps > SmartTrack Tools Options |
Flatten a surface without restriction to single-directional curvature.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface > Surface Flattening > Smash Double-Curved Surface |
Average the positions of curve and surface control points and mesh vertices and evens out the spacing to remove unwanted detail and loops.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Smooth |
The Snapshots command saves and restores Named Views, Named Positions, Layer States, as well as rendering settings, object settings including locked/hidden state, display mode, material, position, light settings, curve piping, displacement, edge softening, shutlining, and thickness.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Panels Snapshots |
Snapshots |
Specify the grid snap spacing.
Toolbar | Menu | Status bar |
Settings |
Toggle the current snap mode state.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias | Status bar |
F9 |
S |
Allow snaps to work on locked objects and locked layers.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Object Snap > Snap To Locked Objects |
Enables/disables snapping to mesh edges using Near, Mid, Int, and Perp object snaps.
Toolbar | Menu |
Allow object snaps to work on objects that are hidden behind other objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Move the surrounding curve area smoothly relative to the distance.
Move the surrounding surface area smoothly relative to the distance.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Soft Edit |
Move objects relative to a center with falloff.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Soft Move |
Turn on pseudo control points for polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Turn On Points |
Draw a solid sphere.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Sphere > <Options> |
Create a spherical surface of a given radius tangent to the three selected surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a spiral curve with options for number of turns, pitch, flat, vertical, and around a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Spiral |
Divide into separate objects meshes that do not connect, but are still one object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Split Disjoint Mesh |
Divide objects using other objects as cutters.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Curve Drawing
Edit Split Surface Surface Edit Tools Split at Isocurve |
Divide a surface edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface and Analyze Edge Tools > Split Edge |
Divide a planar polysurface face.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Faces > Split Face |
Divide a mesh edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Split Edge |
Divide a mesh with a curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Divide a viewport horizontally into two viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > Split Horizontal |
Divide a viewport vertically into two viewports.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Split Vertical |
Copy, rotate, scale, and wrap objects on a surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Insert a light cone object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Render Create Spotlight |
Return curves and surfaces to the original squished 3-D shape.
Toolbar | Menu |
Flatten a non-developable (curved in two directions) 3-D mesh or NURBS surface into a flat 2-D pattern.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface > Surface Flattening > Squish Double-Curved Surface |
Provide information about the settings used to squish the object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a surface from a grid of points that represent surface control points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a surface from three or four corner points.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Corner Points |
Draw a surface from a grid of points that lie on the surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Point Grid |
Change the location where the start and end edges meet on a closed surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Adjust Closed Surface Seam |
Browse the structure of a STEP file.
Toolbar | Menu |
Scale areas of an object in one direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Stretch |
Shorten a curve to the new picked endpoints and select.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Curve Edit Tools > Subcurve |
Open the Sun panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Panels > Sun Panels > Sun |
Transpose the corners of mesh triangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Swap Edge |
Exchange the views in two viewports with one another.
Toolbar | Menu |
Fit a surface through profile curves and one edge curve.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Sweep 1 Rail |
Fit a surface through profile curves and two edge curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Sweep 2 Rails |
Mirror a copy of a curve or surface with continuity.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Symmetry |
Set the scale and center of all viewports to match the active viewport.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Synchronize Views |
Update all viewports to standard views.
Toolbar | Menu |
Change an object's material color to match its object or layer display color.
Toolbar | Menu |
Reports information about the computer hardware and operating system.
Toolbar | Menu |
Help System Information |
Deform objects toward or away from an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Taper |
Create annotation text.
Draw text-shaped curves, surfaces, or polysurfaces based on TrueType fonts.
Open or close the Textures panel.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Render Texture Editor Panels Textures |
Textures |
Turn off thickness analysis display.
Toolbar | Menu |
Use false-color display to evaluate the thickness of a solid.
Toolbar | Menu |
Rotate the view around the view axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Tilt View |
Toggle the viewport between docked and floating.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > Float Viewport |
Toggle the display state of render meshes on an object.
Toolbar | Menu |
Lock docked toolbars locations.
Toolbar | Menu |
Lock Docked Windows |
Manage the toolbars and toolbar buttons.
Toolbar | Menu |
Tools Toolbar Layout |
Restore toolbars to the default layout.
Toolbar | Menu |
Draw a NURBS torus (donut shape).
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Torus |
Split each quadrangular mesh face into two triangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Split each non-planar quadrangular mesh face into two triangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Triangulate Non-Planar Quads |
Split each quadrangular polygon render mesh face into two triangles.
Toolbar | Menu |
Cut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Curve Drawing
Edit Trim |
Draw a NURBS truncated cone.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Truncated Cone |
Draw a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Truncated Pyramid |
Draw a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Tube |
Rotate a view around the target.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Set Camera > Turntable |
Download and open sample and tutorial models.
Toolbar | Menu | Panel Gear Menu |
Help > Learn Rhino > Tutorial and Samples... Panels Tutorials |
Tutorials |
Create curves between two open or closed input curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Tween Curves |
Create intermediate surfaces between two input surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Tween Surfaces |
Deform objects by rotating portions around an axis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Transform Twist |
Display a list of recent commands to reverse.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Undo Multiple |
Reverse recent changes for a single object only.
Toolbar | Menu |
Undo the last action.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
Edit Undo |
U |
Undo the last view change.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
View Undo View Change |
Home |
Remove the group status from objects.
Change the normal direction mesh faces so they all point in a consistent direction.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Repair Tools > Unify Normals |
Unlock objects previously hidden by the IsolateLock command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Show objects previously hidden by the Isolate command.
Toolbar | Menu |
Split joined polysurface edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Unlock selected locked objects.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
Edit Visibility > Unlock Selected |
Unlock all locked objects.
Reset the texture coordinates.
Toolbar | Menu |
Flatten (develop) a surface or polysurface with curvature in one direction to a planar surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Flattening > Unroll Developable Surface |
Flatten (develop) a surface or polysurface while preserving the UV of the input surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Flattening > Unroll Surface UV |
Untrims interior (holes) and exterior trims on the selected surfaces all at once.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Untrim All Detach All |
Untrims all exterior trims of the selected surfaces. Interior trims (holes) will remain.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Untrim Border Detach Border |
Untrims selected holes (interior trims) that do not touch surface borders.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Detach Holes Untrim Holes Solid Solid Edit Tools > Holes > Delete Hole |
Remove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Curve Drawing
Surface Surface Edit Tools > Untrim Detach Trim |
Add creases to a smooth mesh by creating coincident vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Unweld |
Add creases to a smooth mesh by creating coincident vertices along selected edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Unweld Selected Edges |
Unweld selected vertexes.
Project surface mapping texture coordinates and the texture of an object onto the world xy plane.
Toolbar | Menu |
Detects third-party plug-ins on the system and posts their information on a web page.
Toolbar | Menu |
Help Update Plug-ins |
Specify whether extrusion objects or polysurfaces are used when extruding straight‑sided objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Project the texture coordinates of the selected object to a specified region of space.
Toolbar | Menu |
Create a blend surface between surface edges with varying radius values.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Variable Fillet/Chamfer/Blend > Variable Blend Surfaces |
Create a chamfer surface between surface edges with varying distance values.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Variable Fillet/Blend/Chamfer > Variable Chamfer Surfaces |
Create a round tangent surface between two surface edges with varying radius values.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Variable Fillet/Blend/Chamfer > Variable Fillet Surfaces |
Copy a surface specified varying distances from the original surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Surface Variable Offset Surface |
Save an image of the current view to the Clipboard.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Capture > To Clipboard |
Save an image of the current view to a file.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Capture > To File |
Display the first animation frame.
Toolbar | Menu |
Display the specified animation frame number.
Toolbar | Menu |
Display the last animation frame.
Toolbar | Menu |
Display the next animation frame.
Toolbar | Menu |
Title, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Properties |
Title, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Properties |
Display a tab control UI along the viewport edge.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Viewport Layout > Show/Hide Viewport Tabs |
Display the previous animation frame.
Toolbar | Menu |
Report the coordinates of and place a point object at the volume centroid of surfaces and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Volume Centroid |
Report the volume moments of inertia of surfaces and polysurfaces.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Volume Moments |
Reports the volume of the supported object types.
Toolbar | Menu |
Analyze Mass Properties > Volume |
Toggle between WalkAbout and normal navigation modes.
Toolbar | Menu |
Opens the Web Browser panel.
Edit the weight of a curve or surface control point.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Edit Weight |
Merges coincident vertices along selected unwelded mesh edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Remove creases from a mesh by merging coincident mesh vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Weld |
Remove creases from a mesh by merging all selected mesh vertices.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Mesh Edit Tools > Weld Selected Vertices |
Report object properties details.
Toolbar | Menu |
Trim a polysurface with a curve similar to cutting foam with a heated wire.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Wire Cut |
Manage a list of models that can be used as reference geometry.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Worksession > <Options> |
Turn off zebra analysis.
Toolbar | Menu |
Visually evaluate surface smoothness and continuity using a stripe map.
Toolbar | Menu |
File Worksession > <Options> |
Calibrate the screen for the Zoom command, 1To1 option.
Toolbar | Menu |
View Zoom One to One Calibration |
Zoom to include all end display markers on selected curves.
Toolbar | Menu |
Adjust the lens length of the viewport camera in a perspective view.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut |
View Set Camera > Adjust Lens Length |
Move the viewport camera so the area defined by a window selection fills the viewport.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
View Zoom |
Z=Zoom ZE=Zoom Extents ZEA=Zoom All Extents ZS=Zoom Selected ZSA=Zoom All Selected |
Zoom to include all naked edges on selected objects with naked edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Zoom to include all non-manifold edges on selected objects with non-manifold edges.
Toolbar | Menu |
Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020