Use these methods to create transitions between curves and surfaces.
Fillets are arc-shaped transitions between curves on the same plane or between surfaces.
Add an arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc.
Round polyline corners with arcs.
Create a tangent surface between polysurface edges.
Create a constant-radius round surface between two surfaces.
Create a spherical surface of a given radius tangent to the three selected surfaces.
Create a round tangent surface between two surface edges with varying radius values.
Chamfers are straight-line transitions between curves on the same plane or between surfaces.
Create a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
Create a ruled surface at polysurface edges.
Create a ruled surface between two surface edges.
Create a chamfer surface between surface edges with varying distance values.
Blends are smooth transitions with continuity matching between curves on the same plane or between surfaces.
Connect two curves maintaining continuity.
Connect two curves with continuity control.
Create a surface between polysurface edges maintaining continuity.
Create a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.
Create a blend surface between surface edges with varying radius values.
Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020