
Materials can be assigned to layers or individual objects from materials either saved in the current model or from material libraries.

Assigning materials by layer is the recommended method. Assign materials by object if you have only a few objects that you do not want on separate layers.

assigntolayer.pngAssign materials to layers

Assigning materials by layer assigns a material to all objects on a layer.

icon-layer.pngAssign a material to a layer


In Rhino, open the Layers dialog box.


Select one or more layer names, and click the Material column.


In the Material Editor dialog box, under Assign By, click Plug-in.


Click the Browse button.


In the Flamingo Materials dialog box, select a material either from the Materials in Model palette or from the Material Libraries, and click OK.

dragndrop.pngDrag a material to a layer


In Rhino, open the Layers dialog box.


In the Flamingo nXt Control Panel, on the Materials tab, drag a material either from the Materials in Model palette or from the Material Libraries on to a layer name.

icon-layer.pngRemove a material from a layer


In Rhino, open the Layers dialog box.


Select one or more layer names, and click the Material column.


In the Material Properties dialog box, under Assign By, click Basic.


If desired, reset the material color.

assigntoobject.pngAssign material to objects

You can assign materials from the material libraries to a layer or object.

Assigning materials by layer is the recommended method. Assign materials by object if you have only a few objects that you do not want on separate layers.

icon-properties.pngAssign a material through object properties


Select objects.


On the Edit menu, click Object Properties command to edit the object.


In the Properties dialog box, on the Material page, under Assign By, click Plug-in, and then click the Browse button.


In the Flamingo Materials dialog box, select a material either from the Materials in Model palette or from the Material Libraries, and click OK.

dragndrop.pngDrag a material onto a single object

number_onestep.gifIn the Flamingo nXt Control Panel, on the Materials tab, drag a material either from the Materials in Model palette or from the material library onto an object.

assigntoobject.pngAssign a material to selected objects


Select objects.


In the Flamingo nXt Control Panel, on the Materials tab, right-click a material from the Materials in Model palette.


On the menu, click Assign to Selected Objects.

selectobjects.pngSelect objects with material assignment


In the Flamingo nXt Control Panel, on the Materials tab, right-click a material from the Materials in Model palette.


On the menu, click Select Objects with this Material.

Remove a by-object material assignment


Select objects.


On the Edit menu, click Object Properties.


In the Properties dialog box, on the Material page, under Assign by, select Layer.

Manage Materials


On the Flamingo nXt menu, click Control Panel.


In the Control Panel, click the Materials tab.



01.pngNew material menu

02.pngAssign to object

03.pngAssign to layer

04.pngView menu

05.pngMaterials in Model palette

06.pngMaterial library name

07.pngMaterial Library folders


number_onestep.gifDrag materials from the library folders to the Materials in Model palette or directly onto objects or layers.

number_onestep.gifDrag materials from the Materials in Model palette onto objects or layers.

number_onestep.gifDouble-click a material thumbnail in either the Materials in Model palette or a library to edit the material.

Materials Toolbar

newmaterial.pngCreate new material

Choose a material template. Templates provide preset values to help start a material.

newsolidcolormaterial.pngNew Solid Color Material

newmetalmaterial.pngNew Metal Material

newplasticmaterial.pngNew Plastic Material

newglassmaterial.pngNew Glass Material

newclearfinishmaterial.pngNew ClearFinish Material

newglossymaterial.pngNew Glossy Material

newtexturedmaterial.pngNew Textured Material

newtexturesetmaterial.pngNew Texture Set Material

newadvancedmaterial.pngNew Advanced Material

assigntoobject.pngAssign to selected objects

assigntolayer.pngAssign material to layers

viewmenu.pngView menu

largethumbnailview.pngLarge thumbnail view

smallthumbnailview.pngThumbnail view

listview.pngList view

Right-click thumbnail to

listview.pngList View

smallthumbnailview.pngThumbnail View

largethumbnailview.pngLarge Thumbnail View

exporttofolder.pngExport Materials to Folder

importfromfile.pngImport from File

assigntoobject.pngAssign to Selected objects

assigntolayer.pngAssign to Layer

selectobjects.pngSelect Objects with this Material





Library panel

hidelibrarypanel.pngHide Library panel

showlibrarypanel.pngShow Library panel

gouponelevel.pngGo up one level

viewmenu.pngView menu

folder.pngFolder name

Right-click panel to

listview.pngList View

smallthumbnailview.pngThumbnail View

largethumbnailview.pngLarge Thumbnail View

gouponelevel.pngUp One Level



Browse for Folder

Default Folder

Add to Library List

Remove from Library List

